WE ARE YOUNG AND WE ARE TRYING is an art and literature zine based on encouraging undernourished creativity. Many creative people who primarily make images will write or have an idea towards writing but think "oh well, i'm not much of a writer" and will not build on their work. Similarly many writers will make images or have an idea towards doing so but think "oh well, i'm not much of an artist" and will not build on their work.
THIS IS NOT THE CASE. We believe that all creative output should be valued and we try to encourage young people who are DOING SOMETHING. It is important.
Each volume of W.A.Y.A.W.A.T will consist of one piece of art and one piece of literature (or small series of each) from ten people. We have a core group of two artists and two writers who contribute to each volume and act as a collective who are readily available for advice and collaborations. A further three writers and three artists contribute to each volume. These contributors can and should be ANYONE. Anyone who is young and who is trying but does not feel that they can hack it alone.
Each contributor has their own "mini-zine" or "part" which are free and readily available. They include information about the artist, their writing, and their piece of art as a poster which advertises the project and invites others to submit.
The full volumes of work will be printed real nice and hand made and sold through us, potentially with a CD of music from one musician who has also designed their own cover. We will make a limited amount per volume and sell them through this blog and other places. The profits from these go towards future materials and projects as well as acting as a small fund for core members and past and present contributors to use towards their own artistic ventures.
If you want to submit your work as a guest contributor e-mail one piece (or a small series of pieces) of writing and one piece (or a small series of pieces) of art/photography/images to WEAREYOUNG@HOTMAIL.CO.UK with some info about yourself.
note; each and every person who submits as a guest contributor will get their work published in a volume, we have no screening process and do not wish to have one.
If you are thinking about submitting something but don't feel confident, e-mail your art to
or your writing to
we will forward it to the other writer/artist and each of us will reply with help and advice.
If you don't want to contribute but want to support the cause, e-mail WEAREYOUNG@HOTMAIL.CO.UK with your address and we will post copies of EACH mini-zine for you to give out around your city or use to spread the word in some way.
This blog also acts as a multi-media reporting device in which we will make posts on other peoples projects, music, film, anything which we find amazing. If you do something, or know of someone else who does something, e-mail either of the addresses mentioned in this post with links and explanations.